Monday, September 30, 2019

Character Development in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

Writers usually make use of and incorporate certain literary elements into their novels in order to make character development possible. Literary elements—Conflict, Theme, and Symbolism—were employed by Twain, Austen, and Potok in varying levels as well as executed using their own literary styles and techniques in order to show the characters’ development and growth throughout the novels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck braved that era’s social conventions (including his own personal prejudices) by associating with a black man and later helping that person escape from slavery. Jane Austen’s Emma is a lighthearted story about a young woman’s disastrous foray into the pursuit of romantic matchmaking. It shows how Emma’s false presumptions can conflict with the real intentions of the people whose lives she meddles with, and how her misguided actions can create unfavorable results. In Chaim Potok’s My Name is Asher Lev, the young man, Asher, was embroiled in the clash between his passion and the sensibilities of his family and religious congregation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn presents social conditions and attitudes during the late 1800s in America, particularly that towards racism. It chronicles the adventures and misadventures of Huck wherein he faces numerous moral and ethical dilemmas. And just like Twain’s novel, Austen’s Emma is a study on the sensibilities and social norms of her time. It tells the story of Emma, a rich and beautiful girl with a lot of idle time on her hands. Although she lives a trouble-free life, it is uneventful and devoid of excitement—she is a woman, hence, she has no true career prospects. But then Emma discovers that she has a knack for matching couples. She discovers that this endeavor provides her with great amusement so she goes off pairing up the people around her. Lastly, Asher, in My Name is Asher Lev, struggles as he is confronted by two cultural influences—that of the Orthodox Jewish subculture that he grew up in, and that of the pervasive, secular Western culture. He is presented with the dilemma of choosing between art and his religion. Just like Huck’s and Emma’s stories, Asher’s story chronicles his quest for truth and self-discovery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many authors use the element of conflict to bring about and affirm certain facets of a protagonist’s character.   In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces the conflict between the society’s expectations and what his conscience tells him is right when he is given the opportunity to help Jim, a black man, escape. He struggles to see beyond the black stereotype—what the society has taught him to be right. In the end, Huck chooses to follow what his conscience dictates—that Jim is a human being who deserves the same rights as everybody else. He admits about Jim: â€Å"I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n† (Twain, 1999, p. 141). In the end, Huck developed a pure, undiscriminating sense of morality that many people of that era did not posses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel Emma, the conflict lies in Emma’s inability to understand the true desires and intentions of the people around her, including her own. Emma does not realize this, and fancies herself as a good matchmaker, and as Austen describes in one episode, Emma was â€Å"amusing herself in the consideration of the blunders which often arise from a partial knowledge of circumstances, of the mistakes which people of high pretensions to judgment are for ever falling into† (Austen, 2003, p. 89). Ironically, what Emma thinks of other people (as evinced in the previous sentence), actually applies to her. In the end, Emma realizes that it’s no good making decisions for others   and manipulating their lives because only they know and therefore should decide what’s best for them. This discovery also leads her to mature and develop emotionally, and in the end, makes her realize what her heart truly desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his novel, My Name is Asher Lev, Potok portrays the kind of pain and emotional anguish one can carry when one chooses to embrace those things that come in conflict with one’s upbringing and religious ideologies. In a lecture wherein he reveals the analysis to his novels, which included My Name is Asher Lev, Potok states: â€Å"Ideas from this secular world inevitably impinge upon an individual born in a church community or a synagogue community, especially when that individual embarks on a college experience† (Potok, 1896, par. 7). As a young boy, Asher tries to break free from the conservative Hasidic community that shuns the very thing that he was passionate about—art. However, his dream is met with condemnation from almost everyone around him, including his family. The following litany succinctly expresses the kind of backlash and emotional turmoil this conflict has brought upon him: â€Å"So strong words are being written and spoken about me [†¦]: I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family, my friends, my people; also, I am a mocker of ideas sacred to Christians† (Potok, 2003, p. 3).   Another point of conflict deals with Asher’s relationship with his father. Amidst the weight of the conflict bearing down on him, Asher chooses his own path and tries to discover his own truths. By confronting these issues, he grows as a human being, artistically and emotionally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One dominant theme in the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is that of racism and slavery. The novel is set in a time where blacks are considered to be no more than property. As the story develops, so does Huck’s character and value-system. Eschewing the societal and cultural norms of the time, he adopts a different moral outlook towards the people around him, especially when he decides to help a black man escape from slavery. In a climactic episode, Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson, Jim’s owner, to tell her where Jim was, but then tears up the letter and says to himself: â€Å"All right then, I’ll go to hell† (Twain, 1999, p. 193)—here, he finally decides to ignore social convention and help Jim.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marriage is a major theme in the novel, Emma. In the 1800s, marriage was one of the most important concerns for women, especially since they were financially dependent on men and could not have their own careers. Emma takes this into consideration when planning her match-ups and decides on unions which will yield the best material benefit for both parties. However, Emma eschews the idea of marriage for herself—when her father tells her not to do any more match-making, Emma replies: â€Å"I promise you to make none for myself, papa; but I must, indeed, for other people. It is the greatest amusement in the world!† (Austen, 2003, p. 10). But in the end, she realizes that she too can fall in love, after all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One important theme in My Name is Asher Lev is that of Individualism. This was explored in the context of Asher’s adolescent struggle to assert his identity in an environment that rejects the very thing that makes him stand out. When an uncle compares his work that of Chagall, he replies: â€Å"No, my name is Asher Lev† (Potok, 2003, p. 313). Asher is a visionary and has prodigious painting skills, but he is pressured to conform to the conventions of his society.   He tries to discover his role as an artist and reconcile it with his faith—this paves the way to his personal development, not to mention the realization of his gift’s significance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Twain’s novel, the Mississippi river figures greatly in the story. It is used to symbolize life; the river’s ebbs and flows—its movement—shows the ever-changing nature of life. The changing tides causes Huck and Jim to come in contact with different people and situations. It represents man’s capacity to change—the same way Huck’s attitude and personality changed to embrace the greater morality regarding human existence. It’s also a symbolic representation of freedom—in the confines of the raft, they are safe. They are in a world where laws do not apply, far from the reaches of society. Huck says: â€Å"We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft†Ã‚   (Twain, 1999, p. 107).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Emma, charades and word games are symbolic of the misunderstandings in the story. The same way that it’s hard to guess the intimations and desires of the other characters in the novel, word games are meant to be elusive—one   can easily go wrong and perceive a totally different meaning. In a gathering, Frank makes words for the ladies to decode, but each lady attaches different interpretations to them. Such is Emma’s situation: she does not perceive everyone’s feelings correctly so she makes a lot of false assumptions. This is more evident when she tries to hook-up Harriet and Mr. Elton—she construes Mr. Elton’s words and actions as proofs of his adulation for Harriet, when in fact it is Emma the he is interested in. When she finds out, she woefully reflects: â€Å"The picture!—How eager he had been about the picture!—and the charade!—and an hundred other circumstances;—how clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet† (Austen, 2003, p. 106).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Symbolism, particularly those in paintings, also plays a significant part in the novel, My Name is Asher Lev. Paintings were used to convey the abstract and intangible; Asher said: â€Å"I worked for – what? How could I explain it? For beauty? No, Many of the pictures I painted were not beautiful. For what, then? For a truth I did not know how to put in words. For a truth I could only bring to life by means of colour and line and texture and form† (Potok, 2003, p. 369) In his controversial painting, Asher uses the crucifiction scene as a symbolism of his mother’s sufferings, much to the chagrin of his religious community. But even with all the antagonism towards art, he feels that painting was but a natural way to express his feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Literary elements give writers the means to project the qualities as well as develop the personalities of their characters. All protagonists in the aforementioned books were presented with points of conflict that each of them must address and contend with. Various symbolic representations, those that attribute certain intangible meanings to things, events, and other sensuous manifestations, were also utilized in order to highlight the protagonists’ personal issues and struggles. Thematic concepts tell what the stories are about and help reveal how each character progresses. References    Austen, J. (2003). Emma. New York: Oxford University Press. Potok, C. (2003). My name is Asher Lev. New York: Random House. Potok, C. (1986). On being proud of uniqueness. (J. Gladson, Ed.) In La Sierra University   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   website. Retrieved July 24, 2006, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   unique.html. Twain, M. (1999). The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

NASW Code of Ethics Essay

However, the same section of the Code also suggests that social workers are entitled to limit the â€Å"right of clients to self-determination† if and only if the â€Å"clients’ actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk† to either the patient themselves or to others including their relatives. These things being the case, it goes to show that the attending physician, with the consent of his superiors, may refuse the request of the patient or the relatives of the patient to cut-off his life-support system. It is this case which shows how the obligation of the social worker can override the right of the patient to self-determination. The result is an ethical dilemma where the attending physician is forced to make a decision; no middle-ground option is available. Section 1. 06 provides the immediate action that should be taken should the need arise. The section states that social workers ought to â€Å"inform clients when a real or potential conflict of interest arises† (Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). Thus, the first thing that the attending physician should do is to inform the patient or—if the patient is in a physical state where he is unable to make decisions on his own or comprehend the situation—the relatives of the patient about the conflict. In doing so, the attending physician is able to preempt confusion on the part of the patient or the relatives of the patient. Doing so also reinforces the idea that â€Å"a major stakeholder in business must be the communities of which corporations and other organizations are a part† (Ethics and the Organization, p. 215), part of which are the clients or patients of the social workers. Lastly, informing the patients or his relatives about the conflict of interest can help the patient or his relatives reconsider the decision. The same section also provides that reasonable steps should be taken, steps that treat the clients’ interests as primary and â€Å"protect clients’ interests to the greatest extent possible† (Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). The situation under inquiry indicates that the primary interest of the client or his relatives is to cease his life-support system. This being the case, the prerogative for the attending physician is to uphold the interest of the client which is cease the patient’s life-support system regardless of whether or not the attending physician the decision reflects his personal position. The physician’s immediate superior similarly cannot override the decision of the client since the interest of the client still overrides the decisions of the superiors. In the case, there are two reasons behind the decision of the clients to cease the life-support system of the patient. One is that the patient is terminally-ill and two is that the patient’s family can barely afford the fees required to continue the provision of the life-support system. In Section 1. 13 of the NASW Code of Ethics, it is stated that â€Å"social workers should ensure that the fees are fair, reasonable, and commensurate with the services performed† (Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). If the clients cannot afford the facilities and services provided by the health organization where the attending physician is working for despite being fair, reasonable and commensurate with the services provided, there is little reason to deny the request of the clients. It is important to note that the health organization also has its own shareholders; it is similarly unethical to not consider the financial interest of the health organization if the clients themselves are already requesting for the cessation of the life-support system of the patient. The fact that the patient is already suffering from a terminal illness is a guarantee that the health condition of the patient is beyond cure. As far as the NASW Code of Ethics is concerned, it is safe to assume that it is ethical for the attending physician to grant the request of the client to cease the life-support system. But in doing so, it is imperative to let the client sign a waiver which will make certain that the clients are fully aware of the consequences of their decision and of the options that they have. The case may stand as a precedent for future cases with similar nature together with the provisions in the NASW Code of Ethics. The decision to execute the request of the clients is also consistent with the core values emphasized in the Code, specifically the values of competence and integrity. Fully discussing with the clients the consequences of their decision and the circumstances of the case shows the capacity of the social worker to remain professional and to avoid becoming too much engaged in the personal affairs of the clients. It also shows the integrity of the social worker in keeping in mind his limitations and his obligations to his clients. In the event where the client raises a complaint after the execution of their decision, a selected panel will head the investigation of the case. The panel will use the NASW Code of Ethics together with the facts as the bases for deciding the case. The system of inquiry discussed herein focuses on the context of social workers dealing with ethical dilemmas involving the interests of the clients and the obligation of the social workers to uphold the welfare of their clients. The NASW Code of Ethics is a critical part in the system of inquiry because it lays down the vital functions of social workers and the extent upon which they can perform their duties. As far as the organization is concerned, the Code provides the benefit of having an accepted guideline to base their decisions and actions while considering the interests of their clients. The Code also makes the decision-making process of the organization more efficient with minimal hindrances on resolving conflicts of interests. More importantly, the Code allows for the consistency in the decisions and actions of the individual members and agencies under the NASW when dealing with problems that involve the interests of their clients and the duties of social workers. References Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. (2008). Retrieved April 18, 2009, from http://www. socialworkers. org/pubs/code/code. asp Ethics and the Organization. In Managing Business Ethics. Ethics as Organizational Culture. In Managing Business Ethics.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Drug Legalization in the United States Essay

Abstract This paper will explore four websites and one online newspaper addressing the subject of drug trafficking in the United States and why legalization is a profitable alternative. The various ways drugs are bought into the country, information on how and why drug trafficking has increased in the United States, statistics on the number of people that are addicts, and the problems related to foreign countries on this issue. The reasons why illicit drugs should be legalized and what the income from the taxation from them could do to better our health care reform and our economy. Keywords: drug trafficking, economy, legalization Drug Legalization in the United States Illegal drugs are exports and deported out if our country everyday by different groups such as high profile criminal gangs or groups such as the cartel. Law enforcement has yet found a suitable way in controlling the war on drugs and have in past years, up until now, have made and passed bills and policies within the government that has made it worse. The legalization of illicit drugs, such as marijuana, would dramatically save, if not make our country more money.The Department of Justice reports the trafficking of drugs has increased in the United States (2012). Criminal groups from other countries, such as Mexican, Cuban, and Asian, including the groups in our country, grow, manufacturer, and distribute marijuana and other illicit drugs. Meth being in such high demand, leads to the growing number of addicts. Domestic cannabis growers and producers provide marijuana as easy completion for such drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and heroine. Since the price of the final product increases to abnormally high values, because of the black market status, this together with the powerful effects of drug addiction causes users to commit crimes in order to fund their addiction. The ways that illicit drugs are brought in to the country are by passenger ships at United States ports and shipping containers, criminal groups operating from South America smuggling cocaine and heroin in the United States. Self-propelled semisubmersible vessels are maritime vessels used by traffickers to transport illicit drugs. These vessels typically protrude only a few inches above the surface of the water, making them very difficult to detect visually. SPSS’s typically have a four-man crew and are capable of carrying multiton quantities of cocaine. The primary threat from drug smuggling via private vessels is from Caribbean-based traffickers exploiting the Puerto Rico and Florida coastlines. Traffickers transported mostly cocaine from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico, although they smuggled lesser amounts of heroin, sometimes combined with cocaine loads. Caribbean traffickers also smuggled cocaine, heroin, and marijuana from the Bahamas to areas of South Florida bet ween Miami and Palm Beach. Seizure totals and routes remained relatively constant compared with those of previous years. These routes have been opened and used frequently since the 1970’s. Traffickers used private maritime vessels to smuggle drugs into the United States during 2009 through Puerto Rico, South Florida, South Texas, and southern California, and Mexican DTOs sometimes smuggle drugs by maritime means to avoid law enforcement scrutiny along the Southwest Border. According to Drug Addiction Facts and Statistics, the statistics on the number of addicts that we have in the United States are also growing rapidly. These numbers are solely based on the harsher illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. â€Å"2010 estimated 22.6 million Americans over the age of 12 that were currently or formally illicit drug users are equivalent to about 8.9% of the population† Over 6 million children in the United States live with at least one parent with a drug problem. Since the 1980’s the numbers of people that used illicit drugs that ended death either by overdose or some other type of reaction has risen to over 540%. A 1996 U.S. government study claims that heavy marijuana use may impair learning ability. The key words are heavy use and may. This claim is based on studying people who use marijuana daily–a sample that represents less than 1 percent of all marijuana users. This study concluded: 1) Learning impairments cited were subtle, minimal, and may be temporary. In other words, there is little evidence that such learning impairments even exist. 2) Long-term memory was not affected by heavy marijuana use. 3) Casual marijuana users showed no signs of impaired learning. 4) Heavy alcohol use was cited as being more detrimental to the thought and learning process than heavy marijuana use. (2012). Drug raids in the United States happen on the average of hundreds of times a day. The policies are a lot more dangerous and dramatic then public use of drugs. These policies harm not just families of the users and dealers, but the neighbors and general public that surround them. It has been known that law enforcement has gotten wrong addresses, and bad leads to help them follow through enforcement. Drug task force units have their equipment such as big guns and bullet proof amour, for their defense, but to a child of the suspect, it can seem very intimidating and scary. This also has been known as traumatizing to the youth and families involved. It has also been classified as terrorizing. This is not what these policies were set out to do. Prohibition on illicit drugs brings more gang violence, murder, and violence from dealers, users, children, families, and law enforcement made to enforce policies. There are approximately 17.4 million users of marijuana between 2007 through to 2010 . The numbers increased to 6.9% up from 5.8% or 14.4 million to 17.4 million users. â€Å"To allow policy experimentation, the federal government should permit states to legalize the production, sales, taxation, and consumption of marijuana. While testing this policy shift, authorities should redirect scarce law enforcement resources to focus on the more damaging and socially unacceptable drugs such as heroin, cocaine and meth. From which Mexican drug trafficking organizations derive more than 70% of their proceeds (Moffat, 2012). Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year. The revenue from marijuana sales after legalizing for the government could be lucrative. If the tax of marijuana cigarettes was substituted for equal to the difference between the local production cost and the street price currently paid, transfer the revenue from the crime groups to the government, we would have revenue of abo ut $7 per unit. This adds up to over $2 billion on the Canadian sales and even more on an export tax then we can forgo the cost of enforcement and deploy our policy assets elsewhere. By providing legal supplies of currently illegal drugs the price will fall, leading to a collapse in the illegal drug industry, and a reduction in crimes committed by both drug suppliers and users. Some could also argue that the reduction in the price will lead to little, if any, growth in drug addiction, due to the inelasticity of demand. In a strictly regulated market, drug use may fall overall, by removing the marketing activities of the illegal drug industry. There are a growing number of law enforcement professionals speaking out for legalization. LEAP (Law Enforcement against Prohibition) is an international organization founded in 2002 made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. According to Betty Taylor, former Chief of Police of Winfield, MO and a speaker for LEAP (Law Enforcement against Prohibition) â€Å"If you can’t control the problem then regulate it. Regardless of law enforcement expenditures, the negative effects of prohibition include violence and other criminal activity† (Bozarth, 2012). The prohibition of marijuana is taking away from our economy in many different ways, such as financially. It is also taking our law enforcement officials away from being able to enforce the more dangerous crimes such as murder and enforce the policies of the more dangerous drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Taxes from the product can bring in more revenue and create another cash crop for farmers to contribute to the economy and also help with drug care reform in making a prescription drug that is affordable and easily acquired. These things are beneficiary to our country as long as it is monitored and maintained by its own policies put in place by ou r government. References DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Drug Descriptions, Drug Trafficking in the United States. (n.d.). Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Drug Addiction Facts and Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Moffatt, M. (n.d.). Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana?. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Bozarth, M. (2012, 02 23). LEAP Helps Launch Marijuana Initiative. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Micro-Credit against Poverty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Micro-Credit against Poverty - Term Paper Example He is the founder of the concept of microcredit through which the small amount loans can be utilized at an affordable interest rate for transforming and improving the lives of the poorer people especially the women section. The banking system has existed in the economy for a long period of time which was appreciated by many people as well as blamed by many but still, the banking system played an important role in the economy. Muhammad Yunus has struggled and made arrangements for providing loans and credit to the poorer or the weaker sections of people. The pioneer of the concept of microcredit and microfinance has extended its help and support to millions of people that are in need of loans and assistance. There are many facilities provided to the people for availing loans from the Grameen bank and easily repaying the loan. Microcredit is the concept that has been developed for providing loan and assistance to the weaker section of the people in the economy through the improvement in the lives of the people by motivating and encouraging them to become self-employed. Microcredit is commonly known as the microfinance or micro banking and this concept explains the process of extending of loans to the people without any collaterals and this type of loan is provided to the nontraditional borrowers which mainly includes the poor and the weaker sections of the people in the undeveloped and in the rural areas(Chemin, 2008). The concept of microloans or the microcredit first emerged in Bangladesh and the development and the success of the concept have to lead to the widening and the adoption of the concept in other less developed, developing and underdeveloped countries of the world which includes Indonesia, Bolivia (Roodman and Morduch, 2014). Through the utilization of the microloans, the borrowers are able to purchase the livestock for starting their own businesses.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The topic depend on what writer writing about Essay

The topic depend on what writer writing about - Essay Example The Kimberly Mines, which is up for sale, deals with the extraction of diamond for export purposes (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). However, the article does not offer cost analysis of the mine in regards to the expected revenues and investor benefits. This is vital to for more buyers to invest to boost the recovery business in the African state. It indicates the aspects that hinder the management of De Beers from managing several mines in the country. The environmental analysis is appropriate because Kimberly Mines is located in a prime area where transportation and extraction is efficient (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). The function of the mine in pulling stones from the old-mine can be converted into sustainable utilization within the diamond industry (Miller and MacDonald, n. p). For instance, the stones are essential for construction purposes by other users. This is because the contractors cannot easily access the minerals and have to dig deeper to trace the diamonds in the derelicts. I like the article and would encourage the writers to consider follow-up of the sale. Thank you so

Describing a situation where leadership was properly exemplified or Essay - 1

Describing a situation where leadership was properly exemplified or not - Essay Example One of the recent incidents provides a clear piece of information about the implementation of the leadership strategies and plan of actions to contribute in the declination to the war on terrorism that is the ‘assassination of the mastermind of terror, Osama Bin Laden’ (Granderson, 2011). The killing of Osama Bin Laden is a recent occurrence of an event under the leadership of Barack Husein Obama, the current president of the United States of America. If one tries to look at different aspects of this event, it is an observation that although this event became one of the most talked-about events of the history, and media of the whole world counted it as greatest victory of Obama’s leadership. However, it is very important the one should look at different effects of this leadership while considering the case study of Osama’s killing. While analyzing it on ethical basis, study indicates that the Obama’s leadership decided to carry out killing of Osama b ased on different allegations, most common, 9/11 attacks on World Trade Center in 2011 (CNN, 2011).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

School based occupational therapy interventions in handwriting for Essay

School based occupational therapy interventions in handwriting for kindergarten and key stage one children - Essay Example OccupÐ °tionÐ °l therÐ °pists view the occupÐ °tionÐ °l performÐ °nce of children to be self-cÐ °re, work, Ð °nd plÐ °y Ð °ctivities. One common Ð °cÐ °demic Ð °ctivity is writing, required when children Ð °nd Ð °dolescents compose stories, complete written exÐ °minÐ °tions (Benbow, HÐ °nft, & MÐ °rsh, 2002), copy numbers for cÐ °lculÐ °tions (HÐ °gin, 1983), dictÐ °te telephone messÐ °ges Ð °nd numbers Ð °t home, Ð °nd write messÐ °ges to friends Ð °nd fÐ °mily members (Ð mundson, 1998). The functionÐ °l skill of hÐ °ndwriting supports the Ð °cÐ °demic tÐ °sk of writing Ð °nd Ð °llows students to convey writ ten informÐ °tion legibly Ð °nd efficiently, while Ð °ccomplishing written school Ð °ssignments in Ð ° timely mÐ °nner. HÐ °ndwriting consumes much of Ð ° students school dÐ °y. McHÐ °le Ð °nd CermÐ °k (2002) exÐ °mined the Ð °mount of time Ð °llocÐ °ted to fine-motor Ð °ctivities Ð °nd the type of fine-motor Ð °ctivities thÐ °t school-Ð °ged children were expected to perform in the clÐ °ssroom. In their study of six clÐ °sses, consisting of two clÐ °sses from grÐ °des 2, 4, Ð °nd 6 in middle-income public schools, they found thÐ °t 31% to 60% of the childrens school dÐ °y consisted of fine-motor Ð °ctivities. Of those fine-motor tÐ °sks, 85% of the time consisted of pÐ °per Ð °nd pencil tÐ °sks, indicÐ °ting thÐ °t students mÐ °y possibly spend up to one quÐ °rter to one hÐ °lf of their clÐ °ssroom time engÐ °ged in pÐ °per Ð °nd pencil tÐ °sks. OccupÐ °tionÐ °l therÐ °pists Ð °re frequently Ð °sked to evÐ °luÐ °te hÐ °ndwriting when it interferes with Ð ° students performÐ °nce of written Ð °ssignments. In fÐ °ct, poor hÐ °ndwriting is one of the most common reÐ °sons for referring school-Ð °ged children for occupÐ °tionÐ °l therÐ °py (CermÐ °k, 1991; ChÐ °ndler, 1994; Oliver, 2002; ReismÐ °n, 1991). The role of the occupÐ °tionÐ °l therÐ °pist is to view the students performÐ °nce, in this cÐ °se hÐ °ndwriting, by focusing on the interÐ °ction of the student, the school environment, Ð °nd

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Editorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Editorial - Essay Example Certain situations like the case of Diane Pretty of Luton reflect that life may at times be in such a condition that death would seem to be a solution to their pains. Diane whose body had become paralyzed from the neck had to be fed through a pipe. The pain and sufferings of the woman made her wish that she died peacefully and with dignity before the disease killed her (Right-to-die case dismissed). Although courts did not allow her to take the step, but situations like these support the act of euthanasia where an individual may require the need to get ultimate relief. Several arguments point in support of the practice. A change in the outlook has been observed that reflects that doctors and professionals in countries like the United States are becoming supportive of the act if it is made legal (Otlowski, 326-327). Several organizations in Washington also support the act including National Association of Social Work, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, and many others (Cundiff, 84). The support mainly arises from the fact that an individual who would never recover may choose to die since the process would relieve the person from his pains. Others viewers believe that euthanasia should be a punishable offence. Since it is a completely private preference, no one from outside should perform such an act on another individual (Somerville, 77). The practice of euthanasia has also been opposed on ethical grounds as well that can be reflected through theories like Divine Command Theory and Kant’s Moral Theory. The Divine Command Theory opposes all sorts of activities related to euthanasia supporting normal death of an individual. Kant’s Moral Theory focuses on the main objectives of undertaking euthanasia and determines the consequences before deciding on supporting or not supporting the act (Stewart, 81-89). The main reason for majority of people not supporting the act of euthanasia is because they believe that â€Å"life is the most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Anthropology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropology - Assignment Example Various regions have their own endangered species for which the crisis mainly applies, but in most general definitions, it is used to refer to the killing of the great apes and other primates (Jurmain 129). Possible solutions to this problem include increased conservation measures in the parks and wildlife reservations. Additionally, swoops could be made in hotspots and those arrested be given hefty fines and long sentences to deter the practice. Both humans and primates are social beings, and this means that they exist in social settings and not in solitary existence. This trait exists between the two groups, and though it’s for defense, it also aids in realizing a form of hierarchical structure. Additionally, both primates and humans consistently groom each other, as a form of social behavior that bonds them together (Jurmain 160). This is especially due to the similarity in forelimbs, which enable both humans and primates use their fingers for grooming purposes. Moreover, both primates and humans appreciate territoriality and any two given factions have to respect the territoriality of each other. What is more, both humans and primates have a sense of communication, which is a behavioral trait that assists in maintaining the social structure of the groups. Primates have culture, and this is as defined by their behavior that is noticeable from various ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Shreeve (1991) depicts the various similarities that can be drawn from the behavior of primates and humans, and in most cases, the evidence of a culture is easily noticeable since both have one evolutionary background. One stark representation of culture is the relatively advanced aspect of deception, which is a major survival tactic for primates. It is so well advanced that it is one of the most widely used mechanisms in the wild. The social nature of primates calls for the need for some culture, since there is bound to increased levels of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

An assessment of the first section of the 1992 film Essay Example for Free

An assessment of the first section of the 1992 film Essay English Media Coursework: An assessment of the first section of the 1992 film Of Mice and Men, including some comparisons with part one of John Steinbecks novel In section one of the novel Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, begins with a description of the pool and its surroundings in order to familiarize us with the setting, using poetic imagery to describe the golden foothill slopes of the Salinas river valley and the pool on the bank of which the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. Some rabbits sit in the sand. There is a path through the willows and among the sycamores leading to the sandy rivers edge. The description conveys an idyllic peace to the scene which is disturbed as the novels two main characters emerge from the woods. The rabbits scurry into the scrubs and a heron flies from the pool before George and Lennie enter the clearing. George and Lennie are described as physical opposites, George being small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features while Lennie is described as a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders, and he walked heavily but despite the difference in physical appearance John Steinbeck stresses the similarities of dress Both were dressed in denim. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls, this suggests that Lennie maybe trying to copy George as he looks up to him and wants to be like him, as also imitates George actions at the river bank. In the following pages George and Lennies conversation and behaviour helps the reader learn that the two are migrant ranch workers, on their way to one job to another. They are going to work on a ranch in Soledad and George makes it clear he is to do all the talking when they arrive; George angrily discovers that Lennie has been concealing a dead mouse (I could pet it with my thumb while we walked along) This informs the reader that Lennie likes to pet soft things, which is to be carefully noted in light of future (and past) events, George has beans for dinner and when Lennie childishly sates he likes ketchup with his beans, George gets angry and muses on the life he could live if he wasnt with Lennie: I got you! You cant keep a job and you lose me ever job I get. Jus keep me shovin all over the country all the time You do bad things and I got to get you out. Through Georges anger we learn about one of the bad things which occurred at their last job, in Weed, when Lennie wanted to pet the girls dress because it was pretty and held on when she tried to jerk away. The two had to flee the town in the night as the town people were looking for them, Lennie responds to Georges anger with self-pity and uses a guilt trip, sorrowfully saying that if George doesnt want him around, he could go off and live in the hills by himself. This softens George into saying that he wants Lennie to stay, so we know these threats are not serious and that George does genuinely like Lennie as a friend. Lennie urges George to tell about the rabbits, this is when we are first introduced to the dream that George and Lennie share, that they will get their own piece of land and the money and means by which to live off of it. George describes how he and Lennie are different from other ranchers who drift from town to town, who dont belong no place. Lennie and George are different according to George, because they have future and each other. One day they will have enough money and live off the fatta the land. This shows the reader that George needs Lennie as a Friend so not to be lonely I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you this shows the loyalty and friendship which exists between George and Lennie, and the dream of a better life. All though George does become angry with Lennie resulting in some tension during this section of the novel, the atmosphere at the end is very peaceful and pleasant leavening the reader to feel positive and happy; this is the same in both the film and the novel. The 1992 film version Of Mice and Men opens with white on black credits which are simple and stand out clearly. Gradually sound effects of a wagon/train are added and lighting effects are faded in slowly to show the inside of an old fashioned goods wagon. There is also background music which is very atmospheric, building tension. This is followed by a slow fade and a close up shot of a mans face, which we later come to realize is George, played by Gary Sinise who is also the director. George pensively, sadly sits alone in a railway car, the shadows of the cars slats partially covering his face. At the end of the film the same shot is repeated, therefore the audience realise the film is in fact a flash back from Georges memory, The gentle and eerie background music and use of dark, gloomy colours convey a sense of mystery adding interest which makes the audience want to watch on to see whats going to happen; they also illustrate a mood of sadness along with the miserable expression stressed in the close up shot of Gary Sinises face. At the start of the narrative in the film, the camera jumps to a sequence of a woman in a vivid red dress, running though fields apparently in desperate escape of some undefined terror, She runs towards the camera, As she gets closer to the camera the audience can picks out details in which give clues about the woman such as the tear in her dress and her panicky face which is stressed in a close up shot but the mystery is continued when she runs past the camera and out of the audiences sight. The sound effects of the womans gasped breath are very frantic, adding drama and tension to grab the audiences intention and the red of her dress stands out clearly in contrast to the green fields. The director immediately makes the camera jump to a sequence showing two men, being chased by a group of men on horses armed with rifles and led by hunting dogs. The camera follows this chase, panning along to show the men running though long grass. The camera angle then changes to show the chase from the point of view of the men who are being chased, showing the dogs and men running towards the camera which makes the audience feel as if they are being chased and allowing them to see things from the mens point of view. Water from the horses splashes on the camera, showing the audience how close they are, adding tension and making the audience feel more involved, helping them to feel how the men are feeling by showing things from the mens point of view. The two men jump into an irrigation ditch. The man from the start of the film jumps in first, front view and then the other man jumps in after but from a side view. The camera is used as one of the mens view, to the audience; it helps them to feel how the men are feeling. It creates confusion because at first the audience may not know whose view it is and what they are looking at, since the men are in hiding and the viewer can see the weeds overhanging in front of them; this also creates suspense as the audience can see the two mens point of view of the situation. The opening film sequence has a very dramatic and tense start in order to grab the audiences intention, making them want to watch on. In comparison to the novel Of Mice and Men which is very different as it opens with a peaceful, happy and serene scene, making the reader build up hope and creating a joyful atmosphere. The camera jumps from the irrigation ditch to the two men (George and Lennie) hitching a freight train at night in order to escape. Another jump follows to a studio location of a 1930s Californian town (Salinas); this scene is added to show the audience the time in which the film is set in and giving them an idea of George and Lennies surrounds and their way of life. While they are in the town Lennie asks George were they are going George said were going to a ranch to work this dialog has been added to inform the audience of were they are going and of there current situation. George and Lennie take a bus to the ranch but they are dropped off in the countryside a few miles from the ranch. The serene and tranquil scene was probably set on location. The dialog they use is almost the same as the book, the camera pans along while they walk and talk setting them both in frame emphasizing that they have a close relationship. As the bus goes by George and Lennie, George realises that they have been dropped off in the wrong place and yells out son of a bitch to the bus driver, Lennie copies George and also yells son of a bitch this is improvisation as it is not in the book, it has been added to show how Lennie copies George and what he does suggesting that he looks up to him and wants to be like him, showing the audience a bit about his character. Lennies (played by John Malkovitch )voice is very child like, portraying Lennie like a child trapped in a mans body, which makes sense but at times also seem over the top as in the book I felt that Lennie was just very simple minded, but in the film Lennie seems to be seriously retarded. While George and Lennie are sitting by the pool Lennie decides to drink from the pool then spit the water out of his mouth in a child like fashion, again this is improvisation to show how child like Lennie is, George reacts to this by laughing at him showing he is used to Lennie and his childish behaviour almost to like how a parent would laugh at a child. The camera uses close up shots of Lennies face in order to emphases his odd facial expressions and medium close-ups to show George and Lennies body language especially Lennie who tends to use various funny hand jesters in order to help express himself which he cant do very well. During George and Lennies argument about ketchup the camera is shot in separate frames to show they are now separate, because they are angry. The camera also uses medium close ups of George and Lennie while George is kneeling and Lennie is standing up to show how much bigger Lennie is compared to George and their differences in physical appearance, it also shows that Lennie could be seen as a treat to George. The camera tilts up when showing Lennie to make him seem taller and he probably has used padding in his clothes to make him appear bigger, while when the camera is on George it tends to tilt down to make him appear smaller. During the argument George doesnt mention the girl in the red dress which he does in the novel, he just said you do bad things, he doesnt mention it because he doesnt need to explain this to the audience as the girl in the film as this has already been shown at the start unlike the novel. The argument shows the audience that George and Lennie do fall out sometimes. When the augment is over Lennie uses a guilt trip on George, the guilt is empathised in close up of Georges face. The camera jumps to George and Lennie sitting by a camp fire, this is the last sequence of this section of the film. It is set outside in the dark but the lighting effects make it light enough to see whats happening, the light from the fire reflects on there faces in order to emphasis them there are many off screen natural sound effects such as cricket noises and other types of bugs and birds. Lennie asks George to tell him about the dream and as George begins to tell the dream background music gradually comes in which is very soft and genital to create an dream like atmosphere. The camera puts both George and Lennie in the frame while telling the dream maybe to show that they both share this dream and to show the friendship between them. When George stops telling the dream he saids oh the hell with it at this point the background music suddenly stops showing that they have come out of the dream and are now back to reality. At the end they are both in frame, lying by the camp fire, the atmosphere is quite and peaceful with the natural sound effects of bugs est. off screen in the background leaving the audiences feeling happy and positive. Overall, I thought the first section of the Of Mice and Men film was good and very well done by Gary Sinise. In the movie you can actually see and hear things that you probably would not catch on to in the book. For example there are the facial expressions of George and Lennie. The music soundtrack to the film Of Mice and Men is very well composed; I especially liked how the music is classical, which is very appealing to all age groups and genders. The music was important as it set the mood for the scene the audience was seeing. The landscaping and camera work was also very good. The setting of the pool was just as it was described in the book. Also, the clothing worn by Lennie and George fitted the time frame allowing the audience to feel that they are back in that time period by watching, and also showed that they were not well off. In many ways the first section of the film is similar to the novel such as the dialog they use is almost identical to the novel and the appearance of the characters in the film are almost exactly like how they are described in the novel, Lennie is very big and bulky, while George is small with a tanned face. The director changed the order of the story at the beginning by starting with the girl in the red dress, this was probably changed in order to grab the audience intension at the beginning of the film so then they would want to watch on to see whats happening. Right from the start of the movie you can see that Lennie has a mental illness, and George is taking care of him like a father the same as it is with the novel. Also, you can tell that George gets impatient with Lennie numerous times and that he gets frustrated very easily. I thought the role of George was played very well by Gary Sinise who seems to bring out the role of George perfectly as he coveys Georges caring side as well. As for Lennie this role is probably more of a challenge as he is difficult to convey without sounding cartoonish, John Malkovich didnt work wonders for the role as he used such a silly voice, though if he had used a normal way of speaking the audience would probably find it difficult to see him as mentally handy capped.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Permodalan Nasional Berhad Is The Second Largest Shareholder Marketing Essay

Permodalan Nasional Berhad Is The Second Largest Shareholder Marketing Essay To develop, produce and market a broad range of reliable, natural and nutritious dairy products that contribute to well-being and vitality of life. To recognize that know-how, quality, dedication and leadership of our employees are the most crucial assets to achieve our targets. For generations, Dutch Lady Milk Industries principal business is to supply quality dairy and infant nutrition products to the nation. Today Dutch Lady ranks among the top three dairy producers in Malaysia. Generations of Malaysians have grown up on Dutch Lady dairy products. While Dutch Lady first established itself as a manufacturer of sweetened condensed milk, Dutch Lady Milk Industries extensive product range now spans from infant formula and growing up milk to fruit juice and yoghurt snacks. Every product innovation that rapidly develops infant and child formula range is backed by extensive research both locally and internationally. DLMI is the largest purchaser of local fresh milk from the Veterinary Services Department. It also supports local industries by using a substantial amount of local ingredients such as palm oil and sugar in its products. The quality of the Companys products is paramount. Quality Control and Quality Assurance are prime considerations. In line with this, the Company has continually been accredited with ISO 9001 certification since 1995. Strong emphasis is also placed on food safety with the implementation of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) System to cover all its plants. Since it commenced manufacturing in 1963, DLMI has steadily expanded its operations in Malaysia. Its chilled plant is one of the most modern in South East Asia. SECTION 2.0 BUSINESS OVERVIEW Figure 1 Total market for Chilled Business  [1]   Source: DLMI (2009) As shown in Figure 1, the total chilled (total of eating yoghurt, yoghurt drink and cultured milk) market is consistently growing but at a very slow rate. Therefore, Dutch Lady is hoping to play a role in growing this niche market where most players neglect. From a recent study done by a third party, consumers nowadays are vey health conscious and are ready to take up anything that could help benefit their health. This is especially helpful with the females growing interest in getting slim through exercise or daily intake of nutritious yoghurt. Figure 2 Chilled Business Volume Percentage Share by Players  [2]   Source: ACNielsen Malaysia (2009) DLMI is currently at third position in terms of percentage volume share for chilled business in comparison to Msia Milk, the market leader and Nestle at second. This is due to DLMIs limited chilled product line. MSia Milk, though only provides Fresh and Low Fat Milk, their best seller are the 2 Litres package size and therefore, in terms of volume and value they are still the market leader. Nestle on the other hand offers a wider chilled product line by offering yoghurt, yoghurt drinks and cultured milk. These are the plausible reasons for DLMI inability to capture a larger market size because it neither produces 2 Litre package size milk not does it offers cultured milk as part of its chilled product line. Currently, the market is desperate for some product excitement and flavours. This could provide DLMI the opportunity to capture the market through target groups and segmentation of the market which will be discussed later in the other sections. Moreover, by collecting enough information of the potential areas, DLMI could use the marketing mix to help boost their sales and have a larger consumer base for the chilled market. In order to gel all these ideas into possible actions, the author would like to propose a bold move into introducing the Tropicana flavor for all range and pack size for both yoghurt and drinking yoghurt. This Tropicana flavor will definitely draw attention and create a new group of consumers. Plus no other competitor products have come out with such thrilling flavor, therefore these would definitely appeal to those whom are bored of the old traditional flavours and are looking for new range of stimulation for their taste buds. SECTION 3.0 TARGET MARKET Figure 3 Sales Review for Chilled Product by Chain  [3]   Source: BW (2009) As depict in Figure 3, Giant chain supermarket is the one with the highest sales value growth for chilled business and Tesco at second place. Hence, DLMI could target the consumers from both these chains as the trend that can be seen here is that consumers prefer to purchase chilled products at chain supermarkets with warehouse concept. Giant and Tesco are typically a supermarket that builds on purchasing at bulk to keep the selling price as low as possible to attract consumers that are looking for supplies at below average market price. Consumers that purchase at Tesco and Giant are generally from the middle income group and form the Malay ethnic group as the main followed by Chinese ethnic as shown in Figure 4. For that reason, we could factor in these as part of the target group for the new Tropicana flavor. Figure 4 Sales Review for Chilled Product by Chain  [4]   Source: Dunnhumby (2009) Presently, DLMI demarcation of area is by Central (Seremban, Pahang, Klang, Kajang, Petaling Jaya); East Coast (Kota Bahru, Kuantan); North (Perak, Penang, Kedah, Perlis); South (Melaka, Batu Pahat, Johor Bahru); Sabah and Sarawak. And as shown in Figure 5, the AMS for Central seems to be the most promising area of development followed by South and then North. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that consumers at more developed areas are more particular towards living a healthy lifestyle. Figure 5 Average Monthly Sales of Chilled Business by Area  [5]   Source: BW (2009) Therefore, the target market that DLMI is looking at to grow their chilled market share is through three different target groups: Middle income group which frequent hypermarkets or supermarkets at central, south and north region with basket size of about RM35 to RM40 per visit; Teenagers age 35 and below whom are at the launch of their career and tends to emphazise slimming and natural beauty; Adults age 35 and above whom are more health concious towards living a longer healthy life. Since yoghurts and yoghurt drinks are classified as convenience products as it is bought frequently and immediately at reasonably low price with many point of sales, it is therefore considered a potential market which DLMI would like to nurture in hope that they could construct a loyal customer base as a platform for future consumers while at the same time educating these consumers about the importance of eating and staying healthy. The Tropicana flavour would be able to cater to these group of health concious consumers because it is rich in nutrients from all the mix tropical fruits. SECTION 4.0 LONG TERM AND SHORT TERM GOALS SHORT TERM Chilled products are very dependent on promotions, therefore for the short term goal, DLMI hope to successfully execute all promotions planned throughout the year as depicted in Table 2. The selections of the promotion are during festive seasons where consumers are more likely to spend more. The author is hoping to be a trend setter using these promotion plans by encouraging consumers to purchase more yoghurt drinks and yoghurt as a festive item instead of just a convenience product. That is the very reason why most of the promotions for the chilled products are conducted during festive seasons and national fairs. Table 2 Promotion Plan for Chilled Products  [6]   Source: DLMI (2009) LONG TERM In the long term however, DLMI is hoping to be able to strengthen the position further if the initial establishment succeed. These are the few long term actions that DLMI could consider: Focus on key outlets with key SKUs; Listing of only the top flavours; Operation support from chain supermarket to build business further; Conduct cross promo with any value added product; Secure additional space for greater visibility; Implementation of segmentation according to agreed planogram; Implement trade schemes to drive distribution; Mount activities to convert competitor users; Promotional activities to reward loyal users; Induce trial through giving out free sample pack size. These long term plan are also meant to be continuously conducted throughout each year to secure the share of business in the chilled market. SECTION 5.0 MARKETING STRATEGIES Figure 6 Marketing Above The Line 360 ° Activation  [7]   Source: DLMI (2009) DLMI 360 ° activation plan is one form of marketing strategy to create brand awareness and ideally brand preference among existing consumers and possibly new users who will prefer a new sort of exciting taste. The awareness campaign will touch on all forms of media from online advertising to advertising on the shelf itself to news and ads. ADVERTISING DLMI will roll out a coordinated advertising campaign to emphasize the following points: Dutch Lady yoghurt is getting better, with a new and refurbished new Tropical flavor. DLMI could consider using print and broadcast ads in women-oriented mediums several weeks before the new introduction of products to inform people of how healthy is Dutch Ladys yoghurt and changing to meet their needs. Billboards, television, radio, and display signs will be primary vehicles for this. About two weeks before introduction, our ads will change from stressing our company image to stressing product line imaging. DLMI will also run specific ads the Tropical flavor product stressing its benefits to the consumers. This specific part of the campaign will primarily use magazines, radio, and other mediums targeted at the under 25 aged crowd. After product introduction, will run advertising to persuade and remind consumers of our new products. There will be a customized advertisement of the video which shows the new Tropical flavor with a silent background to serve the product tagline. PUBLIC RELATIONS DLMI will pursue the following public relations oriented programs: DLMI will put together a press kit showing LOreals commitment to grow and serve the Dutch market. We will include key facts including our additions to the employment rolls and charitable contributions. We will look to host and/or sponsor events that appeal to our target markets. For our more mature audience with increased dispensable income, we will sponsor a Women in Business seminar. Women in key roles as models or local actresses can be presenters. For those women at home, we will look into sponsoring events that will appeal more to them something along the lines of a home and/or garden show and conventional housewives will be chosen as the product ambassador. We also are excited about creating Health Shows geared towards the younger and first time consumers. The Shows will focus on education of terms, etc. and actual hands-on training. They can be arranged on a small scale, e.g. a booth at a mall, to a larger event at a local hall with many booths. We will donate a portion of sales of the new Tropical flavour towards slimming research. This will be displayed on all advertisements associated with the new flavour product. PRODUCT TAGLINE THE TROPICAL SILENCE THAT BRINGS HARMONY TO YOUR HEALTH PRODUCT VIDEO * Please refer to attached flash video* SECTION 6.0 SITUATION ANALYSES GIANT S.W.O.T. ANALYSES GIANT CUSTOMER GIANT STRENGTHS WEAKNESS C H A N E L Hypermarket Wide distribution network with high number of stores. (Total: 110 outlets, EM: 10 outlets and PM: 91 outlets) Giant operation team welcome in-store approaches on tactical promotions (priority given to top suppliers) Store layout with event area for in-store activities Space allocation for activities at Kids Playground. Issues at HQ:- No yearly promotion calendar to be furnished to suppliers for promotion planning. No full control over space allocation at store level for promotions Scan sales data provided to Category Captain limited to 7 Hypermarkets. No standard concept for HS display at CS/Supermarkets due to no plan-o-gram design for these channels. Plan-o-gram of stores is sometimes influenced by competitor Issues at DC:- No system to measure on-time delivery to stores. Weakness of delivery window to stores (too big gap from date of orders receipt to delivery that cause stock issues at store level. Capacity issue to manage high stock weight/turnover. Issues at Store Level:- Some of the store buyers are lack of understanding of internal SOP and not discipline in ordering -> lead to replenishment issues at store level. Service problems of Chilled vendors to supermarkets/CS Supermarket Cold Storage GIANT CUSTOMER GIANT OPPORTUNITIES THREATS C H A N E L Hypermarkets Low store productivity due to issues at DC and store level. Store expansion (5 hypermarkets 10 supermarkets) Joint forecast with Giant in order to have smooth pipeline to stores and improve forecast accuracy. Nestle is given priority by DC on storage and delivery to outlets (due to top-to-top agreement on sales target and incentives). Consistency in stock deliveries of competitors that helped their AV at store level and promotion execution. Supermarket SOS improvement by initiating plan-o-gram for CS/ Supermarkets and influence store buyers to allocate more SOS to DL products. Customised promotion for Supermarkets/CS that has different shopper profile. Cold Storage GIANT DLMI IN CUSTOMER (GIANT) DLMI VS COMPETITION STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS C A T E G O R I E S Chilled We are No. 3 suppliers in Chilled category after Cotra and FN. Strong brand equity. We are lack of focus in Chilled compared to Ambient and no creativity in promotion activity. Our facing is less prominent compared to competitors. According to Giant CM, shopper behaviour is trending towards bulk purchase in chilled category. Customized promotion in Giant to associate DLMI image of dairy expert Competitors (Cotra and Nestle) are dominant in this category. RTE We are No. 2 supplier in this category after Nestle. We are offered lower margin to Giant compared to other suppliers. Multipack promotion (Buy 4 at RMxx) to encourage bulk purchase. Mini road show for LF RTE and DKY in order to bring new excitement to shoppers. Stiff competition from Nestle:- 60% contribution to total sales Deep pocket and react fast to competition. Category captain. Dominant SOS at store level. Shine DKY Continual innovation from DLMI who has strong market share in DKY segment. Creative to bring new things to shoppers, Lack of communication for benefits of green tea extract to the shoppers although its one of the key selling points. Based on TNS research, we are strong in retail chain with high % of Chinese compared to those with high % of Malay (i.e. Giant). Lack of margin to retailer (as above for RTE). Communication of product benefits via sampling at selected stores. Giant has the right shopper profile for SHINE to build a bigger consumer base. Promotion differentiation (i.e. TP FOC premium) to target Giants shoppers (Based on TNS research, promotion with premium giveaway is proven effective in this category). Customized promotion for CS that captured the target shoppers. Explore TP/Triple packs promo to increase volume. Road show to create awareness and enhance communication to the target shoppers. TESCO S.W.O.T. ANALYSES TESCO CUSTOMER TESCO STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS C H A N E L Hypermarket Tesco is well-positioned for further growth to be No. 1 Retailer Limited products range offer to customers as Tescos selection on high quality products, good turnover brands and high profit margin. Strong expansion with 10 outlets opening (5 in Q2-Q3 2 in Q4) No full control and influence over space allocation as category captain. Competency in supply chain management and efficiency. Centralized system in Tesco that facilitates its EDLC operating model whilst building service levels. Tescos regulation leads to inflexibility in execution such as no premium, no cross-category promo etc. With the strength of operating system and supply chain in Tesco to drive efficiency and improve stock turn ratios. Joint forecast is required especially during promotion to maximize the sales opportunity. Tesco is a value-led retailer; its pricing policy is to be the right price on all comparable products versus the benchmark and to be the best value retailer. Tescos ability to gain customer insight, perform robust customer segmentation and deliver personalized marketing communication from its Club card loyalty Facing difficulties on stocks replenishment to be influenced at store level as store buyers are very dependent on system. The shopper behaviour insight gained from Tescos loyalty card data is currently used by Tesco in strategic decision-making, and to drive promotional activity Tesco has developed great expertise in private label development, and enable it to differentiate its offer from its competitors, build brand loyalty, grow margin and demonstrate both price and quality credentials. With the strong operating system and strategy having by Tesco, strong influence power from HQ to store level on execution and operation issue to leads the smooth process Have long term initiatives calendar plan (12 month rolling initiatives calendar) in order to work closely with Tesco (eg, PG, Nestle and Dumex) Tesco is growing aggressively to become big player in the retail market and it has market leading position which empowered them to have better negotiation power and demand against suppliers. PRODUCT COMPETITION ANALYSES Type DLMI Chilled Products Competing Products Eating Yoghurt Low Fat Nestle Fat Free, Marigold 0% Fat, FN Alive, Private Label Drinking Yoghurt Low Fat SHINE Nestle Bliss, Sunglo Lassi, Private Label SECTION 7.0 ACTION PLAN / IMPLEMENTATION Objective To be the strong No 2 position in the chilled market Selected strategy To focus on major promotion with 3 major fair and to participate in milk campaign Action Who By When Resources Measures To maintain at least 3 times promotion KAM TM Mac, July Nov Mktg Incremental of 80% 90% To participate in 3 major fair Milk For Life campaign KAM TM Jun Mktg Anniversary Milk For Life Campaign. Promotion generates about 200-400% growth, approx RM 700k To explore carton sales KAM Quarterly TM Mktg Especially on RTE and DKY To create customized pack KAM Jun TM Mktg Especially on RTE and DKY SECTION 8.0 CONCLUSIONS To conclude, even though chilled category is still at its infancy stage, the potential to grow is there. More and more Malaysians are becoming more health conscious and they are constantly looking for new exciting reasons for them to continue staying healthy. Other than that, Malaysians also tend to only buy chilled products only during promotions periods or when and as needed. Therefore such a mindset should be change and Dutch Lady should be a trend setter for such changes to happen. The proposed of this new flavor is also an opportunity for DLMI to open a new window to educate the consumers that besides exercising, the only way to stay healthy is to eat and drink healthy too. The author would again reiterate that all data provided are drilled solely by the author alone. The sources of the data taken are from the programmes and third party software that capture real life scan sales data and consumer off take.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Career as a Plastic Surgeon Essays -- Career Essays

There are many different surgeons in the world, but being a Plastic Surgeon can be a life changing career. It offers you a vast knowledge of beauty and medical field. Plastic Surgeons are medical doctors that deal with defects on people’s body. Many people are proud that Plastic Surgeons exist, because it makes them look better and gives them a lot of confidence. Being a Plastic Surgeon can be a challenging profession because it can help change people’s lives, it can offer a wealthy future, and it also involves a lot of creativity and technology. Generally, people love having a nice appearance around each other. Plastic surgeons have many ways and options to offer to the people to reach their intentions. For example, cosmetic surgery can offer tummy tucks for those who want to look slim and be part of the fashion world. â€Å"Tummy tuck surgery helps to significantly reduce the appearance of loose skin, stretch marks, and a protruding abdomen† (McClain.) Another option that plastic surgery offers to people who want to make changes on their face is face lifting. Face lifting is a procedure that is used to lift the peoples’ wrinkled face.†Barbara Eden, now seventy eight is virtually unrecognizable as the youthful beauty who charmed viewers on the popular sixty’s show, and her apparent face-lift was likely what caused the most drastic transformation† (Barbara Edens Transformation.) Thigh lifting is another procedure that is used wisely by the models. Many people tend to use this technique becaus e it changes their formation of their body. After having the procedure done they feel as more comfortable in the society. One of the best reasons for being a Plastic Surgeon is because it offers you a wealthy future. â€Å"Plastic Surgeons wo... ...> â€Å"Laser-assisted liposuction.† plasticsurgery. n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. McClain, Louvonia. â€Å"Celebrity plastic surgery: Tummy tucks.† 9 Mar. 2013.Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Morris, Charles R. The Surgeons. New York: HarperCollins. 2007. Print. â€Å"Plastic Surgeon salary.† healthcare. n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014 â€Å"Surgeon Quotes.† todayinsci. n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. â€Å"Working Conditions.† careercruising. n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

BYOD/1:1 CONSIDERATIONS Regulatory Compliance †¢ Children’s Internet Compliance Act CIPA Must have a filter in place that blocks students from accessing pictures Must have a written Internet Safety Policy addressing how they will prevent minors from accessing inappropriate matter on the Internet, safety and security in electronic communications, and other protections. Notice must be given during a public meeting. CIRPA compliant policies must include education for minors about appropriate online behavior, social networking websites and in chat rooms as well as cyberbullying. Schools and libraries must certify that they are CIPA compliant to be eligible for e-rate funding. †¢ FERPA Federal education Rights and Privacy Act o A federal privacy law that affords parents the right to ï‚ § have access to their children’s education records, ï‚ § seek to have the records amended, and ï‚ § consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records, except as provided by law. How will BYOD or 1:1 effect student records retention? What type of retention policy will you have to write for classroom activities that are recorded on a BYOD. FERPA mandates that you protect a childs pii Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act In general with exceptions for services that are billed out, medical records are considered part of education records amd covered under FERPA, and not HIPAA. †¢ Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) If your school accepts credit cards for processing of student fees or lunches, you will need to be PCI compliant. Policies Student behavior policies need to be re-written. Do you have a cell phone confiscation policy? Strong policies about misuse and cheating need to be written. Po... ...addition to this, all federal regulations will still have to be maintained, such as filters for network access to prevent access to sites covered under CIPA regulations. Network tools need to be in place to identify if a student is using their phone to provide network access to other students. Additional hardware and wireless access points will be needed to supply access to BYOD. Your firewall will need to be evaluated to determine if it can handle the extra traffic. IPads and iPhones will each download updates. Each device will have their own download stream of the same data, usually the same day. This will put peak loads on your Internet traffic. This differs from the Microsoft devices on the inside of your network. Those devices are controlled, and one single stream of data is downloaded, saved on a server, and then distributed on your faster, internal network.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

civil war1 :: essays papers

civil war1 [The following document comes from the Confederate Veteran, a magazine published throughout the South from the 1890s until the 1940s. It comes from Volume ? which contains writings from the year 1926, page 379.] If there ever was a hell on Earth, Elmira Prison was that hell, but it was not a hot one, for the thermometer was often 40 degrees below zero. There were about six thousand Confederate prisoners, mostly from Georgia and the Carolinas. We were housed in long prison buildings, say one hundred and twenty feet long and forty feet wide, three tiers of bunks against each wall. A big coal stove every thirty feet was always kept red hot; but for these stoves, the most of us would have frozen. Around each stove was a chalk mark, five feet from the stove, marking the distance we should keep, so that all could be warm. We were thinly clad and not half of us had even one blanket. Our rations were ten ounces of bread and two ounces of meat per day. My weight fell from 180 to 160 in a month. We invented all kinds of traps and deadfalls to catch rats. Every day Northern ladies came in the prison, some followed by dogs or cats, which the boys would slip aside and choke to death. The ribs of a stewed dog were delicious, and a broiled rat was superb. One day I was at the guardhouse when about thirty-five of our boys had on barreled shirts, guards marching them around. A barreled shirt was made by knocking out the head of a barrel then cutting a hole in the other head and putting it on the body. On these barreled shirts was written in big letters, "Stole a dog," "Stole a cat," "Stole a ration," "Stole a fur," etc. If a lady's fur was not fastened on, the boys would grab it, and some of them had been caught. All the Yankees soldiers were not cruel. The chalk marks were drawn around the stoves so that all could get some of the heat. One day a poor sick boy lay down near the chalk line and went to sleep. In his sleep he threw his leg over the chalk line. A big guard caught him by his shoulder and threw him against the wall, making his nose bleed. I popped my big fist against the guard's jaw, knocking him heels over head.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Martin Luther ; Henry VIII

The Catholic Church has begun to sell indulgences, a way to pay off sins to reduce time in purgatory, to raise money. A monk who is outraged by the pope tricking innocent worshipers into falling for his trap writes down a list of 95 reasons why the church has become corrupt by the light of a scroll and furiously hammers them to the door ofa German church. Meanwhile in England, a king is denied an annulment to his marriage.In a fit of anger, he removes the church's uthority and writes up his own religion for his land and people, with himself as to rule. A monk and a king; Martin Luther and King Henry VIII; two souls of polar opposites who broadened Europe's worldviews of religion with their gifts of Protestantism and the Anglican Church. Martin Luther, born in Germany in 1483, was a man of logic: he studied law, as guided by his father, but longed to learn about religion. One night in 1505, he was caught in a horrid lightning storm. He prayed to God, promising to become a monk if he l eft this storm alive and unharmed.He followed his word and taught peacefully. However, in 1 516, one of the catholic pope's commissioners was sent to Germany to sell and collect indulgences. This angered Luther because many of his people stopped attending church services, believing that since they had paid off indulgences, they had no need to ask forgiveness within the pews. He thought that since they would do this that they instead would spend more of an eternity in purgatory. On October 31, 1517, he began to write the 95 Theses, a list of reasons why the Catholic Church was corrupt in their intentions.He posted these onto the oor of his church with the intended audience to Just be the priest and a few others. However, because of the invention of the Printing Press, copies of Luther's works were printed and spread across Germany- eventually Europe and into the hands of the pope. People related to Luther's thoughts and this began Protestantism. Luther's journey wasn't over for him y et, though. After numerous warnings from the pope to take back what he had said, Pope Leo X excommunicated him in 1920. In 1521, Luther was called by a council of people, known as the Diet of Worms, for him to be tried as heretic.When he continued to stand by his word, he was declared an outlaw and went into hiding once returning to Germany. Meanwhile across the pond, Henry VIII had problems of his own. After taking the throne and marrying his brother's wife, he had the dilemma of being unable to have a son produced between them. Henry turned to the Pope for a marriage annulment, but was denied ofa divorce. Henry didn't want to hear ‘no' for an answer, so he called forth the Reformation Parliament to declare England to be no longer under the control of the Pope.The Acts of Parliament closed down the monasteries and put Henry in charge of the church, which was known as the Anglican Church. Out of his took the throne, Protestantism began to take root. It was not until when Henry s daughter, Mary, took the throne that England was returned to the Pope's authority. Luther never wanted to start a war against the church; he Just wanted them to let him and his beliefs in. In contrast, Henry wanted to show the church that he had the power and could do what he wanted.Henry desired to have a new church to control or his desires while Luther only wanted to help change the church (though this did not go in his favor). The Protestant Reformation combined both Luther and Henry VIII's works as well as other scholars. In the end, Europe, and even the world, would never be the same if it weren't for Martin Luther and Henry VIII making adaptions on their own. Without the Catholic Church putting up the walls for Henry or tainting the public to Luther, we would never have such diffusion between religions and cultures to add variety to our ancestors' everyday lives and ours.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Not What it Seems Essay

The quote, â€Å"Things are not always as they seem when you are looking from the outside in† is a perfect example of how we might think the world is perfect but in reality our life is a spider web. Playwright, Arthur Miller, captured this idea in his play, The Crucible. Miller focuses on the idea of image versus the reality in Salem. The purpose of Salem was to be a sin-free town; however, it was plagued with adultery, greed, and deceit. There is one sin that, because of its selfish and evil ways, causes the destruction of John Proctor and his image; this sin is adultery. In the Bible it is said that we are to lead a sin free life, and, more specifically, we are not supposed to commit adultery. Mentioned in Exodus 20:14 â€Å"Thou shall not commit adultery†, it clearly states that if anyone commits adultery then they have committed a sin. Salem, as mentioned, was created to be a â€Å"perfect† town, and Abigail and John’s affair goes against that philosophy. Not only is this a sin in the Bible, it also creates tension between John and Abigail. More importantly, it created an untrustworthy marriage for Elizabeth and John. However, John Proctor willingly admits to committing adultery with Abigail, and sees Abigail as a child and says, â€Å"Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby† (Miller, 23). This shows us that John knows what he did was wrong and wants to gain forgiveness from God, but Abigail stands in his way of doing so. Since John said this to Abigail, she has been trying to get rid of the one person that stands in her way. Abigail thinks that if Elizabeth is out the picture then John will fall for her again; but this is not true, and she does whatever it takes to make John hers. In addition, Salem did not live up to its â€Å"image† is in greed. Greed can be a very destructive part of everyone’s life, and some people let their greed get out of control, which was exactly what happened in Salem during the witch trials. Two people’s greed brought up the whole tragedy of the trials, convictions and hangings; these individuals were Thomas Putnam and Reverend Parris. Unquestionably, Thomas Putnam was a hard-handed, landowner. He valued his land probably more than his marriage, or his possessions. He used his land as a power source to get anything that he wanted, he also used this power to get his neighbors accused and convicted of being witches. â€Å"He states that you coldly prompted your daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacob’s that is now in jail† (Miller 96). Putnam would convince his daughter to falsely accuse people of witch craft so once they were convicted; he would be able to purchase the deceased’s land, just giving him more land and power. He alone got others to start believing that some people among them were witches. The second greed-filled person is Reverend Parris; he felt that he was underpaid for his services. At one time he said to Giles Corey, â€Å"I regard that six pound as part of my salary†¦ You will look far for a man of my kind at sixty pound a year! † (Miller, 45) This shows us that Reverend Paris wants more material wealth; another case where this is present is when he preached for twenty weeks about having golden candlesticks on the altar until he finally got them. As the story progressed, he became greedier for his life and the life of his friends. When Proctor was about to be hanged, Paris begged and pleaded for Proctor’s life so that he would not be blamed for killing one of Salem’s â€Å"upper class†. Greed can make a person grow far from the lord and that is exactly what was going on in Salem. Without a doubt, deceit was the final and most important ingredient to Salem being filled and over-ran with the devil. The first example of deceit was found with Abigail Williams; she was the first person who was caught dancing in the woods and realized that if she turned on the others, her own life would be spared. She started making things up so that she would be in the center of life in Salem. Abigail threatened to kill anyone that told on her for witch craft and yet she went ahead and accused innocent people. â€Å"And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it; I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine and I have seen some reddish work done at night, and I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down! † (Miller, 20) She accused many innocent people of being witches for her own personal good. She was worried about her image and did not want to get in trouble, but she thought she had the authority to accuse others for her own personal gain so she would not be considered of performing witch-craft. The best example of this would be when she accused Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch. Meanwhile, Abigail and John Proctor had an affair, and she perceived this to mean that John wanted to be with her instead of his wife. Then, she realized that the only way for the two of them to be together would be to kill Elizabeth in some way. The only â€Å"legal† way to do this would be to accuse Elizabeth of being a witch and making sure that she was convicted of this crime. Abigail knew that the punishment for the crime of witchcraft was hanging, and carried out her accusation so that she and John could â€Å"dance upon her grave together† (Miller, 110) With her saying this shows us that she cares for nothing more than her happiness and that she has devilish thoughts. This lie was a major sin and shows us that Abigail is: mean, selfish, backstabber. Since being condemned with adultery, greed, and deceit, the so-called â€Å"sin-free† town of Salem was everything but that; it was filled with the devil and evil. With Abigail and John committing adultery, Mr. Putnam’s obsession with wealth, and finally all the lies and backstabbing of Abigail, we can see Salem is not so perfect after all. Salem is a prime example of something looking good from the outside, but once you get inside, one can see the dirt and grime.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Face Recognition Essay

Forhumans, faces are the most significant for visual stimuli, a fact that becomes apparent insocial settings—as a species we are constantly, almost obsessively, monitoring each other’s faces, paying close attention to subtle details that can give some insight into the emotional state, level of engagement, or object of attention of our associates. Fluency with faces offers great social advantages, allowing one to glean aspects of another’s internal thought processes and to predict their behavior. (Leopold, 2010). Explain the processes associated with face recognition, identification, and classification Conceptgenerallyrefer to theabstract notion of what that category represents in one’s mind. ((Robinson-Riegler, 2008). The recognition of individual faces is in some ways the pinnacle of human visual performance. Because all faces have the same basic configural appearance (for example: two eyes above a nose and mouth, sometimes called the first-order configuration), individuals must be identified by subtle deviations from this prototypic pattern, sometimes referred to as second-order relational information or configuration . To process facial identification an individual depend on the process offirst-order relational information, theinformation about the parts of an object and how those parts relate to one another. For face recognition, this would involve an analysis of the person’s facial features and the relationship among those features. However, first-order relational information is not enough to recognize faces; simply noticing that two eyes are above the nose, which is above the mouth, may be enough for recognition that something is a face but doesn’t allow for recognition of who the face is. To recognize faces, we need second-order relational information. Second-order relational information involves comparing the first-order analysis to facial features of a â€Å"typical,† or â€Å"average,† face. This typical face is built up through experience and serves as an implicit standard against which we compare the faces we see. Inverting a face disrupts the encoding of second-order relational information When we deal with information, we do so in steps. One way to think of this is to picture the process of acquiring, retaining, and using information as an activity called information processing Information comes from the outside world into the sensory registers in the human brain. This input consists of things perceived by our senses. We are not consciously aware of most of the things we perceive; we become aware of them only if we consciously direct our attention to them. When we do focus our attention on them, they are placed in our working memory. (Education, 2011) Even when perceivers are presented with stimuli in suboptimal conditions, the face-processing system is still capable of extracting categorical knowledge in a rapid and accurate manner. Third, category activation is sensitive to the typicality of group members. Incategorical thinking people identify with groups who they are familiar with. Analyze the role of encoding and retrieval processes involved with long-term memory and how this affects face recognition. Early perceptual processes (and their associated products) also appear to play an important contributory role to the generation of categorical thinking. Categorization is a fundamental property of the brain. Categorical thinking streamlines most aspects of person perception, including decision making, memorial functioning, and attention processing(Cloutier, 2005). People are skilled with various levels of understanding along with other social agents. From only a few visual cues, a person isable to processdetailed impressions of others, identify the sex, emotional status, and identity of conspecifics ; and infer the hidden internal states (example. goals, intentions) that create their plan of purpose. In social cognition, the two basic processes that serves or promotes aperson perception are categorization and individuation . Individuation, in contrast to categorization, the individualisticview other people not as members of distinct social groups but rather as unique entities. Individuals areguided by two distinct cognitive processes. These two processes operate at the early stages of a person’s perception, relevant with the process of object recognition. The individual is capable ofmaking individual judgments about stimuli corresponding to prior perceptual experience. As part of the face recognition process, a face must activate a face recognition unit a stored representation of that face in memory. If activated, the person is recognized asfamiliar. Next, the face recognition unitmust activate the person identity node which stores biographical information about the person. If activated, this biographical information becomes available (Robinson-Riegler, 2008). Prior to the retrieval of information from long-term memory, however, a great deal of social-cognitive processing has already taken place. perceivers have resolved the perceptual puzzle of identifying social agents from available visual cues. This includes, but is not restricted to faces. (Cloutier, Discuss at least two possible errors that can occur with face recognition, such as misidentification and self-recognition. Our knowledge of our own face seems inseparable from our general knowledge of self andwho we are as individuals, our likes and dislikes, our personal history. Unconscious transference, occurs when a witness fail to identify or distinguish between a target person,for example, falselyidentifying aneyewitnessmay result to imprisonment of an innocent person Robinson-Riegler, 2008). As individuals we confront the world with our faces, from the time of birth to the time of death. The age and gender of a personare printed on their faces. Emotions are expressed in a person’s facial expressions. The open and instinctive emotions that Darwin wrote about, as well as the hidden or repressed ones that Freud wrote about, are displayed on our faces, along with our thoughts and intentions. People have physical attr actions toward each other, a person may admire the physical attributes such as arms, and legs. In spite of what draws one attention, the face is the first and last that is judged, whether it is beautifulin an aesthetic sense, â€Å"fine† or â€Å"distinguished† in a moral or intellectual sense. The face of an individual definesa person character and experience. Face recognition is crucially important for humans, and the vast majority of us are able to identify thousands of faces individually, or to easily pick out familiar faces in a crowdProsopagnosia or topographical amnesia are lifelong conditions that does not decrease as one grows older.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Higher education Essay

A committee to look into the functioning of Bangalore University has suggested splitting university into five different universities, Bangalore South, North, East, West and Central. The expert committee consisting of Manipal Global Education Chairman T V Mohandas Pai, former vice-chancellors Dr N Rudraiah, Prof N R Shetty, educationists R Natarajan, KRS Murthy, K Narahari and the principal of University Visveswaraya College of Engineering (UVCE), Dr K R Venugopal, who is also the special officer has submitted its report to the Karnataka government. Reportedly, the report makes three major recommendations — to split Bangalore University into five, to upgrade UVCE as a centre of excellence on par with Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and Bangalore University to focus only on research and development. Prof N R Shetty, former VC of Bangalore University, who was on the committee said, â€Å"Considering the huge number of colleges affiliated to Bangalore University and the availability of funds through Rashtriya Ucchathar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) for creation of new universities, we have recommended that five, including Bangalore University, be carved out of the existing university.† As per the report, BU has 614 affiliated colleges and, under the RUSA scheme, there is an option for states to create one university with 100 colleges. â€Å"As far as funds are concerned, it will not be a burden on the State government since the RUSA scheme proposed by MHRD will provide funds for the newly created universities based on the quality of education,† Shetty said.â€Å" There is a need to improve research and technology under Bangalore University. With such a high number of affiliated colleges, it won’t be possible to concentrate on research activities,† he added, reported New Indian Express.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Goal Setting Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goal Setting - Personal Statement Example I have some very lofty goals that I know are challenging but I am on the right path. Currently I am working towards becoming a Clinical Physcologist. I am attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a freshman. I am highly ambitious as I will be completing 26 credits for my 1st semester (normally coursloads run from 15-20 credits). I have sustained a high level of achievement throughout all of my academic career, my many awards and honors include Honor roll (200-2006), Who's Who Among American High School Students, High School student achievement award (2004 and 2006), Student of the month (2004), National Honor Society(2004-2006), and Kiwanis Club certificate of Scholastic achievement (2003). I have not only excelled in academics but in sports as well as participating in community service. I was awarded the Bradford athletic award for volleyball in 2003 and have volunteered at the lions club and Shalom Centre, where I have helped serving meals as well as helping those in need. I am an excellent candidate for the scholarship awarded by the Slovak American Charitable Association. I am the third generation of my family to be a member of the "First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association". I am proud of who I am and where my family has come from.